9 Amazing Facts about Shitzu Poodles
The Shitzu Poodles are gorgeous dogs with long silky hair. They are toy dogs that are also famously known as the Lion or Chrysanthemum Dogs. The precise origin of these dogs is unknown, however, some people claims that they originally came from Tibet and then it has been developed in China. There were several theories, but no one can really tell the facts.
Shitzu Poodles are loved by so many, including celebrities. They are great and energetic little pets with lots of love to offer to their owners. Even, Bill Clinton, the richest man on Earth has a Shitzu poodle.
Here are interesting facts that you must know about them:
Meaning of ShiTzu
Have you ever wondered what Shih Tzu means? This word means lion dog in Chinese as it reflects lion-like features. Actually, its official name is Tibetan Shih Tzu Kou. The word “Shih” means lion, “kou” means dog and “Tzu” means son or child.
Oldest Dog Breeds
Shitzu poodles are known to be the oldest dog breed living today. Their exact origin is unknown and the specifics of their development are lost. Amazingly, there are Chinese paintings dating back to around the 500 C.E. which are believed to be Shitzu dog breeds.
Shi Tzu’s are Sacred Dogs
Shitzu dogs are commonly found in Tibetan Buddhist Temples. Tibetan monks consider these dogs as sacred and they keep them as guard dogs.
Ming dynasty’s official Dog Breed
Shitzu dogs are highly regarded pets among the Chinese people for many centuries. In fact, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D) has considered Shi Tzu poodles as their official dog breed. The royal family kept Shitzu dogs as their royal pets during these eras.
Shitzu dogs descend from 14 dogs
In the 20th century, Shih Tzu dogs has declined in popularity among Chinese people. However, the love for these dogs took off in England. General Douglas and Lady Browning brought about 14 dogs to United Kingdon in the 1930s. Consequently, all modern Shih Tzus can be traced from these 14 imported dogs from China.
American Soldiers brought Shitzu dogs to the US in the 20th Century
ShiTzu dogs was introduced to the United States by soldiers who bought these dogs in the UK during their return home after World War II. Shitzu dogs speedily gained popularity among Americans.
The AKC first recognized Shih Tzus in 1969
Only in September 1, 1969 that the American Kennel Club has recognized Shitzu Dog Breed.
Famous in America
Shitzu dog breeds are one of the most popular dog breeds in the USA. According to the American Kennel Club, Shitzu dogs are one of the most registered dogs among dog owners. Currently, it is the top 15th most famous dog breed in the US.
Shih Tzus are loved by Celebrities
Certainly, Shih Tzu dogs are so adorable and beautiful that some celebrities cannot afford not to have one. Even the legendary Dala Llama is a Shitzu dog lover. Mariah Carey owns two Shitzu dogs named Bing and Bong. As mentioned above, Bill Clinton has a Shi Tzu named Ballmer.